Adult Education

The Adult SIG is a place where all are welcome, whether you are new to the field of Adult ESOL, a veteran, or somewhere in-between. The Adult SIG is a community of educators who have the interests of the adult ESOL learner in mind and are looking to share ideas, challenges and success stories with peers. As a member of the Adult SIG, you shall be privy to a whole world of wonderful workshops and presentations given by peers, with the specific educational needs of the adult ESOL learner in mind. To get a complete picture of how your Adult SIG can work for you, attend the fall convention and spring SIG events where workshops and presentations will provide a wealth of information that is immediately usable and relevant. For more information, contact one of the Adult SIG co-chairs or any member of the WATESOL Executive Board. If you are working or volunteering in the field of Adult ESOL and you are looking to network with like-minded people, this is the place for you.

Contact Adult Education SIG:

Empowering Teachers and Learners 

Best Distance Learning Practices

(Video demo link/screenshot/blurb)

To access video demos, click here: WATESOL Flipgrid

Email if you want to submit a video demo

Best In-Class Practices

(Video demo link/screenshot/blurb)

Email if you want to submit a video demo


Monthly Chats and Reflections

(PLC: Professional Learning Circle)

Would you like to run an online discussion about a new book? New research? A new podcast? An inspirational TED talk or Ignite talk? Would you like to chat about teaching with other Adult Ed SIG members? - Suggest a topic!

Email if you want to submit an informal detailed proposal for an online discussion.


Web Articles

Journal Articles


  • Staehr-Fenner, D., & Snyder, S. (2017). Unlocking English learners’ Potential: Strategies for making content comprehensible. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 
  • Calderon, M., et al. (2019).Breaking down the wall: Essential shifts for English learners’ success. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.  




Conference Presentation Material

2024 Fall Conference Sponsors

Contact for WATESOL sponsorship opportunities.

Platinum Sponsor

Silver Sponsors