TESOL 2022 Presenters from WATESOL

Join us in congratulating WATESOL members selected to present at the TESOL International Convention!

WATESOL Members Presenting at TESOL 2022

On demand: Verb Tenses in EAP: What to Teach, What to Skip Despite instructors’ best efforts, there can be a disconnect between what is emphasized in EAP and what students actually need. This session explores the relative frequencies and distributional patterns of verb tense/ aspect by academic discipline in a corpus of student writing, providing valuable insight for EAP instruction. Lily Lewis, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

WEDNESDAY, 1:30 pm–2:15 pm DLCC, Room 319 The Significance of Information Literacy and Transparency in Class Discussions Adequate information literacy skills with enhanced Cornell notes and transparent class norms will lead to meaningful engagement and perceived learning among international college students during learning-centered class discussions. Structured discussion strategies lead to learner competency and inclusive learning environments: culturally responsive with explicit instructions and learning objectives. Krisztina Domjan, American University, USA

WEDNESDAY, 4:30 pm–5:15 pm DLCC, Room 402 Journeys Toward an Asset-Based Pedagogy for Language Teaching This session presents a three-stage, reflection-based framework that evolved during a collaborative journey in the English for Law Purposes classroom. This framework emerged as two educators developed an increased awareness of the linguicism inherent to their classrooms and explored an asset-based pedagogy with a social justice focus. Reflection-based activities provided. Julie Lake, Georgetown University Law Center, USA Heather Weger, Georgetown University Law Center, USA

WEDNESDAY, 4 pm–5:45 pm DLCC, Room 413 Essential Skills for Teacher Trainers This interactive workshop focuses on best practices for effective teacher training. Participants practice essential skills, including conducting needs assessments and evaluations, delivering workshops, conducting observations, mentoring, and supporting professional learning networks. Join this U.S. Department of State workshop to identify ways to continue growing as a teacher trainer. Jennifer Borch, U.S. Department of State, English Language Programs, USA Tabitha Kidwell, U.S. Department of State, English Language Programs, USA Anna Ciriani Dean, U.S. Department of State, English Language Programs, USA Amy Crompton, U.S. Department 

THURSDAY, 9:30 am–11 am DLCC, Room 327 Bringing in New Voices: The Affordances of Multimodal Writing Instruction This panel explores the affordances of multimodal teaching across a variety of L2 writing contexts, including EAP and first-year composition. Panelists discuss the ecology of digital literacies and the effects on L2 writing instruction and share example tools and collaborations that support both teachers and students. Megan Siczek, The George Washington University, USA M. Sidury Christiansen, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA Ilka Kostka, Northeastern University, USA Doreen Ewert, San Francisco University, USA

THURSDAY, 9:30 am–11 am DLCC, Room 326 Problematizing the Problem: Approaches to a Multicultural and Multilingual Classroom Panelists from their respective approaches, including world Englishes, culturally responsive teaching, and translingualism, discuss the challenges teachers face related to the linguistic and cultural diversity in classrooms. They also present ways of managing those tensions and how to facilitate and maximize the learning experiences of emergent bi/multilinguals. Christopher Jenks, Aalborg University, Denmark M’Balia Thomas, University of Kansas, USA Tabitha Kidwell, American University, USA Polina Vinogradova, American University, USA Brooke Schreiber, Baruch College–CUNY, USA

THURSDAY, 9:30 am–10:15 am DLCC, Room 411 Developing Intercultural Competence in Monolingual Settings Development of intercultural competence is an increasingly common learning outcome for ESL/EFL students, including those in monolingual settings. Presenters share strategies and tasks that instructors can implement when their classrooms and broader environments offer limited opportunities for the cross-cultural experiences that are often utilized in developing this critical skill. Bethany Peters, University of Minnesota, USA Heather Zitlau, Georgetown University, USA Kelly Hill-Zirker, Georgetown University, USA

THURSDAY, 10 am–10:45 am Use Reading Circles To Foster Autonomy, Analytical Skills, and Agency Allowing students to choose topics and articles via reading circles gives students a sense of autonomy, encourages careful text analysis, and provides a sense of ownership when students report to others orally and/or in writing. Presenters share steps and advice for setting up reading circles, creating assignments, and assessing skills. Nancy Overman, Georgetown University, USA Mandy Kama, Georgetown University, USA

THURSDAY, 11 am–11:30 am DLCC, Room 409 TESOL Teacher Educators’ PD: Challenges, Successes, and Opportunities This session examines the learning, development, and identity formation of TESOL teacher educators. Though many learn “on the job,” this mixed methods case study reveals possibilities for improved support though teacher educator PD programs. Participants learn strategies to support the continued growth of teacher educators in their own settings. Tabitha Kidwell, American University, USA

THURSDAY, 12 pm–1:30 pm DLCC, Room 336 TESOL Career Path Development PLN: Riding The Waves of Change Join an engaged and committed group of TESOLers who’ve inspired one another and empowered hundreds of teachers during the most challenging year we’ve ever known. Hear more about the TESOL Career Path Development Professional Learning Network’s mission, outstanding achievements, and plans for networking and learning for the future—and plan to join us in 2022. Lizabeth England, Liz England & Associates, USA Linda Chu, University of Arizona, USA Lynne Clark, University of Florida, USA Shirlaine Castellino, Spring International, USA Damon Anderson, Independent, USA Julie Lake, Georgetown University, USA John Schmidt, Independent, USA Melina Jimenez, University of Florida, USA

FRIDAY, 9:30 am–10:15 am Westin, Alleghany Ballroom II From Needs Analysis to Enactment: Materials Through an Asset-Based Lens Presenters outline how to use informal and formal needs analyses to create programming employing an asset-based lens that foregrounds the strengths of their multilingual students and balances their academic and nonacademic needs while in law school. Presenters provide examples of program-wide and classroom-level practices. Applications to other learning contexts discussed. Heather Weger, Georgetown University Law Center, USA Julie Lake, Georgetown University Law Center, USA

FRIDAY, 9:30 am–10:15 am Westin, Cambria Digital Storytelling as a Tool for Translanguaging and Multilingual Pedagogy In this session, participants learn how to use digital storytelling (DS) as a tool for multilingual pedagogy and translanguaging in ELT. The presenters share a framework for DS and discuss the challenges and benefits of incorporating it into various settings. Participants explore several online resources for DS in language education. Polina Vinogradova, American University, USA Heather Linville, University of Wisconsin La Crosse, USA

FRIDAY, 2 pm–2:45 pm DLCC, Room 327 Teaching With YouGlish: Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, and Building Autonomy YouGlish is a valuable digital resource of searchable authentic spoken English. This presentation explores how YouGlish can enhance pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar instruction and provide students in both classroom and virtual settings extensive authentic input for independent practice. Attendees leave ready to implement lessons and strategies in their teaching contexts. Stephanie Gallop, Georgetown University, USA Heather Gregg Zitlau, Georgetown University, USA Andrew Screen, Georgetown University, USA

FRIDAY, 2 pm–2:45 pm DLCC, Room 323 Success for ELs Through Directed Self-Placement and Corequisite Support The presenters discuss how current trends in accelerated developmental education and a new self placement model for ESL precipitated the creation and implementation of a new open educational resource ESL corequisite support class for first-semester composition at a community college. Preliminary data from Fall 2021 are presented. Breana Bayraktar, Northern Virginia Community College, USA Elaine George, Northern Virginia Community College, USA Nataliya Schetchikova, Northern Virginia Community College, USA

2024 Fall Conference Sponsors

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