• The K-12 SIG is where elementary, middle, and high school ESOL teachers meet to discuss current issues in ESOL instruction. We discuss challenges and share solutions. 
  • The Adult Education SIG is a place where all are welcome, whether you are new to the field of Adult ESOL, a veteran, or somewhere in-between. The Adult SIG is a community of educators who have the interests of the adult ESOL learner in mind and are looking to share ideas, challenges and success stories with peers.
  • The Higher Education SIG is a platform for two- and four-year college professors and language instructors from the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area to share their methodology and pedagogy with members of the WATESOL community.


  • The Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers (NNEST) caucus seeks to build awareness among WATESOLers about NNEST issues, especially the strengths that NNESTs bring to English Language Teaching. The NNEST caucus welcomes all members - both non-native and native English-speaking teachers!

Other Groups 

  • The goal of the Advocacy group is to be a trusted source of policy and advocacy information.

2024 Fall Conference Sponsors

Contact vicepresident@watesol.org for WATESOL sponsorship opportunities.

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Silver Sponsors