WATESOL Newsletter

Submission Categories and Guidelines

WATESOL welcomes submissions from members for publication in The Definite Article. If you have an idea that does not clearly fit the categories below, please reach out to us; we’d love to hear it! You can reach the editors (Marina Dewees and Kathleen Kearney) at newsletter@watesol.org.

Feature Articles

  • 1200-1500 words

  • Practioner-oriented, research-based articles on best practices in language teaching or on other trends or issues related to ELT

  • Up to five citations (APA style)

  • Include 1-3 photos/diagrams

Book reviews

  • 500-800 words

  • Let us know if you’d like us to contact a publisher on your behalf about accessing a free copy for review.

  • Include 1 photo of the book


  • 500-800 words

  • Interview an inspiring student, a dedicated colleague, an expert in the field… and submit a Q&A-format write-up

Teaching Tips

  • 400-500 words

  • Lesson plans, classroom activities, local field trip ideas/experiences, assessment tips, or reflections on classroom experiences (what works or perhaps what doesn’t!)

  • Include 1 photo (optional)

Teaching Abroad Column

  • 500-800 words

  • Include 2-3 relevant photos

  • Generally a Q&A format answering 5-6 of these questions:

  1. What program did you do (are you doing) and where?

  2. How did (have) your expectations of where you lived, the sizes of your classes and potential cross cultural challenges match(ed) up with reality?

  3. What (do) did students expect of you?

  4. What (has) challenged you the most?

  5. What (are) were you most proud of? 

  6. Who (has) left the biggest impact on you from your experience there?

  7. Tell us a funny story about your experience.

  8. What words of wisdom would you have for a teacher thinking of teaching in ______ (your country of work) and/or a teacher who may have students coming from that country?

  • Include 2-3 relevant photos

Tales from the Classroom

  • 400-500 words

  • Insightful stories generated from on-the-ground classroom experience

Cover Photos/Cover Art

  • High-quality digital photos (a minimum of 1200 x 1500 pixels) or original artwork
  • Photo submitters are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to use any photographs or artwork they provide. If we decide to use your photographs for publication, you will be asked to sign and return a form giving us permission to use the photo/artwork and guaranteeing that any individuals included in a photo have given their permission for the photograph to be published in The Definite Article.

Notes on all submissions:

  • Authors should submit a brief bio (2-3 sentences) and a high-quality headshot for publication with the article.

  • WATESOL reserves the right to edit all manuscripts for clarity, brevity, and style; the editors will consult with contributors on substantive revisions. 

Authors are responsible for the inclusion and accuracy of their references. The articles published in The Definite Article reflect the research, classroom experiences, and opinions of a wide range of contributing authors and do not constitute policy statements on behalf of the organization. WATESOL welcomes articles that reflect diverse perspectives on practices and issues relevant to those in the TESOL field.

Page updated:April 2016 - JD

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Contact vicepresident@watesol.org for WATESOL sponsorship opportunities.


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